Tuesday 8 November 2011

A definite and immediate withdrawal

Use of contraband cigarettes.

Some where in end Sept, during visit of Lersi Kalong.

ABS found contraband cigarettes boxes laying around both shops.
It was shop owner whom had contacts and bought 10 packets from a supplier.
Such cig was given to Lersi as well.

When questioned, shop owner mentioned that master smoke heavily as well and need to save cost !

Good intention to save cost but not a correct way.
ABS had reminded shop owner not to do so, especially giving those cig to the master.

However, even on 27th Oct at about 6pm, during our negotiation, shop owner openly used the contraband cigarettes. 

There was a kind client whom saw shop owner smoking in the corridor and reminded him that the area had got frequent spot check by ENV.

Shop owner (as per usual) replied in the most arrogant way ABS ever encountered.

Shop owner - " never mind lah, we are rich mah...."

As a local, if one get caught for either smoking in prohibited area or usage of contraband cig, most one will be charged and fined or jailed or both.

But if a foreigner such as visiting masters, they may not know what contraband cig look like. And when during spot check, inspector found master having such cig in their possession, will they be charged ?

Guess all know the answer. Such visiting master may be even be banned from entering Singapore in future.

ABS simply cannot understand what is in shop owner mind.

Illegal 4D betting

Shop owner able to get contacts for placing of 4D bets illegally.  This is simply his personally preference.

However one day during a 4D lottery day, we waited in the shop for 4D results.
ABS was in unit 04-40, the result came.
Shop owner rushed in to see the results.

Shop owner reaction was -

"Heng heng, never open lah"

That was the most funniest reaction. We all knew we bet some 4Ds that day, is normal for one to hope for his number to open, but not shop owner.

ABS questioned - " forgot to buy some numbers, good lah save money, now never open!"

Shop owner - " ha ha ha, not save but earn some money!"

Shop owner had figured out a way to make extra personal pocket money.
He had friend whom not in time to buy 4Ds and asked him to help.
He took the bets from that friend, and rightfully buy for him with the illegal bookie.

Shop owner however, took the risk and opportunity and receive "bets" from that friend and did not bet on his behalf. As such when the numbers did not open, he can "makan" the money !

Following weekend, at close to 5pm. Shop owner was busy calling friends to ask if they need to buy 4Ds s  he has the lobang.

Rest of story need not carry on.....

With these two incidents, ABS felt he need to withdraw and never associate with the shop or the owner. 

First shop owner had made lots of "enemies".
Second, he simply no brains as to do such activities openly and in a business area.

No way ABS wished to be dragged into any of such activities. Of which ABS never agree to do so.
In fact, there was once ABS had reminded shop owner of such activities. But of course, to shop owner he always had those super attraction which will bring him lots of supporters.

As shop owner wish to carry on, ABS must withdraw before trouble comes.

Funniest invitation to joint venture in a massage parlour.

Some where in late Oct, ABS and shop owner finally able to have some time among themselves.
Shop owner told ABS he wanted to open a massage parlour in Golden Mile already.
Shop is exactly opp San Tai Zi shop.  ABS knew that shop and had visited that shop.

Shop owner claimed to have negotiated with the owner and ready to "invest" in that shop and eventually take over it.

To conclude everything, ABS was asked to come out with SGD$10k for that shop.
From the conversation, it seemed that shop owner had agreed to take on the SGD$10k share holding. But unfortunately he did not have that money.  Going one big round around the bush, shop owner trying to convince ABS to come out that SGD$10k, and he be the boss and maybe as per the amulet shop, ABS will pay expenses blindly, while shop owner take all revenue !

To ABS, did the shop owner knew that ABS long know something is wrong with him since after LP Naen visit and had stop putting money into the business.

ABS had hoped for the best.
Nothing .

Yet this cute young man, can proposed such investment and ask ABS to come up with another SGD$10K for a massage business.

To shop owner from ABS

" i had given you an opportunity to revamp the amulet business. You had lost lots of supporters from the forum due to your mis-management. I came in upon your invitation. I pumped in money to re package the whole shop to give the shop a fresh look and confident. 

You had chose a path. A path i deemed not suitable for me or this business.

In such business associated with religion, one may need to make money to survive, one need to do it sincerely and make sure those clients whom came in to seek help , will be helped with; for their problems.
We may not know if the master had use their 100% power to assist the clients, but we must do our utmost best to get master to help them.
In this trade and like many others, when you able to helped those in need, such good news will spread like fire.

With such short period of joint venture and  many things did not go right.
In the simplest mind set, will ABS do that massage parlour ?

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