Monday 7 November 2011


This page will dedicate to unknown in Siam Amulet thread.

Thread that shop owner asked a client to helped post.

First to "Hardman" bro, no hard feeling from ABS. But as same for ABS -  there was request from shop owner to help post good comment in the forum about shop or the owner himself.

ABS did not visit Siam Amulets for a long time.

But one day, shop owner SMSed him to say that another war had begun in the forum.
ABS checked AF and found nothing. Shop owner told him is in SA.

ABS read and asked shop owner what he want ABS to do. ABS also knew who hard man was adn asked shop owner if the 2 amulets were really sold.

Laughing as a joke , shop owner answered "no" and was sort of exposure , marketing tactics.
ABS was very angry but did not show.

He asked shop owner again what he want ABS to do, despite telling off shop owner to stop such tactics and stupid things of which he started it in the forum. Now he been attacked, and he expect ABS to hire a lawyer to sue those people whom attacked him in the thread.

Immediately, ABS had this in mind.

Is the shop owner trying to

"use one's knife to kill his own enemy"  ???

in chinese many will understand.

ABS told shop owner, instead your "client" (Hardman) claim is fake, he did not buy. You did not post the amulet pics, lots are waiting. Base on what to sue people ?

When questioned further, it was a gimmick to reach exposure benefits for  a batch of "old" amulets that was consigned by an uncle to the shop.

One day in afternoon, uncle was at the shop as usual. Shop owner took out the two amulets mentioned in the thread and gave it back to uncle. OIf which uncle will take it back with him.

To make a believe that it was sold ?

Another 2 pieces were replaced in the show case.

Is those amulets real ?

To ABS, he could not confirm as well. As such he never want to be associate with those amulets stuff.
But deep in ABS, he had this opinion.

The uncle repeatedly mentioned that he was acting as a "kaypo" and come shop to chit cht. Indeed this old man had plenty of free time and really "kaypo" as he report to the shop almost 90% of a month and stayed on a long time.

There must be an agenda.

Indeed he wanted to sell his amulets in the shop and will not be paying for any rent. But shop will get a cut in any sales of his amulets.

Uncle been a very experineced in this amulet trade and had mentioned to us tht how he had helped several other shops to do "funny things", may it be doing tailsman, amulet, etc. He is indeed good.

He had shown his skills on some Somdej amulets.  These amulets suppose to be from LP Toh temple, given to shop owner FOC during his visit to LP Toh Temple.  Nice Somdej with chinabanchorn behind.  Uncle mentioned he nothing too do , and going to show us his skills.

He brought back some amulets and paint.

Next day , the amulets looked class and pricey. Cos the Somdej pic was painted gold, some even back were painted gold. Indeed great skills.

But unfortunately, with such demostration and past chit chat we had, and knowing uncle had done many such things to help other shop, from during his younger days to now.

ABS just have a doubt in those "old" amulets. Could it be works of his ?  ABS cannot answer and confirm. Just a doubt.  Some look nice and even ABS wish to buy, but ABS prefer those with cert or at least some pictures or donate to temple.

Hope this page will clear some doubts that shop owner had clones, whom comment himself, etc.
We do not wish to verify other comments etc, But all in this blog is of best knowledge, experience ABS had in the shop.

Another matter that forced ABS to give up on the shop owner and the business.

During Lersi Kalong visit, shop owner will bring lersi back home in a cab. However , around shop area had got no cabs. As such they will wlk to golden mile which has got more cabs.

One day, shop owner proudly told ABS that the night before while on way to Golden Mile, Lersi had saw a plant (type of japnese bamboo) and told shop owner is the takien that in Thailand they used to make amulets.

Next day, in unit 04-40, ABS saw a bunch of such plant on the table. Some stems were cut into small pieces, and it was messy.

ABS did not question shop owner, though ABS suspect something.

Again next day, in same unit, ABS saw a paper bag. Inside tiny bottles of "ren yuan" oil.
This proved ABS thought is right.

Shop owner had tried to make his very own "ren yuan" oil with takien inside.
Simply by cutting the stem of japanese bamboo into small pieces and put in the small bottle of oil.
Who knows he may also put  gold foil on the stem to make it look real.

Above is what ABS saw and suspect. Not proven that such bottles of oil been made , though the few sightings seem to show as such.

This make ABS disappointed and decided to leave the business for good.

As shop owner had not chose to go on a proper path.

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