Wednesday 9 November 2011

Monk "stealing" joke

Pertaining to earlier post on LP See incident.

We had left out a funny joke that ABS told us.
It is about monk "stealing" amulets from shop owner.

When ABS been told of his (shop owner) side of the story, ABS had this in mind.....

Monk and Shop Owner (SO) both back in SO house after a long day.
Both may share same room and start to chit chat.

All knew that monk could not communicate well in English and SO could not communicate very well in Thai.

As they were sharing views on amulets, monk saw some amulets which he may like; as such
the monk (cos cant speak english) may have done a gesture whereby he express he like it and may he have it. (A gesture whereby one with item in hand and put hand in his pocket).

At the same time, the cheerful monk may say : "can ?"  (maybe in joking manner)

SO (as usual in his happy go lucky attitude) may have replied :

" Die lah !!! Ni my favourite, Cannot give LP lah "  and laughing away.

For the monk , upon hearing the word " die " and did not understand the whole remark SO made; may had misunderstood.

As such, the amulet/s landed in monk's bag !

The whole story is to highlight to us that SO had got a habit of assuming matters.

Is this incident purely a misunderstanding between both parties?
Is there any clarification when amulets are found in monk's bag?

Only SO can answer.
But overall, word "steal" should not be made till is confirmed.

Just as the first vulgar SMS been sent to ABS.
Even when confronted about the matter, SO simply brushed it off as he was angry.

ABS had lost over SGD$30K within 4 months period. These money can be divided into

1. SGD$10K donation to God of Mercy temple at waterloo street, whereby hundreds of kids may benefit during year end assistance to such low income family.
2. SGD$10K donation to LP Naen temple, whereby he can complete all wall paper, and many more.
3. SGD$10K donation to Lersi Kalong, whereby he can build all external walls now or even as urgent financial assistance due to the flood.

ABS see as a seed to plant and hopefully grow. As thru the shop we can bring good masters to assist Singaporeans, help those master to fulfill their wish to build their temples, creating opportunities for many to play a part in constructing temples and Buddha statues.

This way it seem to be a long term doing.
Sadly , things turned out another way.

ABS had had coffee with us one day, after the first publication of this blog. He thanked us for our time put in to blog this. Next he told us, he is willing to forget, let go and move on; Thus to end this blog. It was also the recommendation of one of the most experienced local master in Roxy Square.
We let go. Even we had ask ABS why not teach SO a lesson and sue him. ABS simply say leave it to Buddha, he is the smartest. Sue him is only material aspect, will he learn ?  If not why waste extra money.

However, things took a turn. 
As in ABS email ....

"Look at these SMSs the idiot had sent me.  Even my old mother can or willing to take it physically, I think I cant take it verbally and in writing (SMS). Worst still now, my old dad got to sacrifice his ass hole for this failed investment, even my dad willing to present his ass hole, am not ready and will not take it verbally.

I have to fight back, protecting my family. Gentlemen. prepare for war. You will be my first strike team. You may opt out of this operation, as you may be dragged into this. ........"

We and all other teams readily agreed.
As in Buddhism, one must always respect one's own parents; one must aways respect other's parents as well.

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