Sunday 20 November 2011

Desperation for cash flow, lies after lies.... Part 5

24th Oct 2011 (11.39pm)
Sender : Bro Aloy
Message : the 30K worth of things u remove from the shop

Shop owner started his plot on 24th Oct 2011 at 11.39pm.
He sent an SMS to ABS as above.

Shop owner first requested ABS to remove all his $36K worth of investment in the shop.
Of which many seemed cannot be remove.... OR is a permanent fixtures - renovation.

Also it seem useless to remove even the new showcase.

Where to put ?
Remove the altar....for what? 
Use it where? 
Remove the wall paper, sure damaged.

This may be shop owner thoughts.  (as above questions) 
For sure this time I win liao lor ! (shop owner may be thinking)

Unfortunately, within ABS group, we had a company specialise in DEMOLITION !
Workers in this company enjoy and is their job to

1. dismantle
2. tear down
3. dispose
4. removal - moving
5. collect those items that can be recycle for other projects
6. store such items in warehouse.

Often waste and rubbish from Singapore is valuable !
Places like Indonesia, Cambodia, even Malaysia wanted these stuff.

Downlights, carpets, wood, used office doors, used furnitures are very welcome in these countries.
Even our walls - concrete stones are useful.

This company specialise in these works.
We tear down, dismantle and dispose for offices, shops and buildings moving out of their premises.

As such, removing, dismantling all $36K worth of items in Jalan Sultan is a easy call !

That is why ABS agreed readily. Believed that shop owner had not expected.
In fact, with this company, there are some clients whom are in similar situation as with ABS.
Their partnership in business went bad and engaged us to dismantle fixtures, remove items from the business operating premise.

Why? Time is different now.
In past, in any failed partnership, the losing party will exist silently. Withotu any action. Why spend extra money to engage contractor to dismantle and remove items.

Now many are willing to fork out these extra money. Reason - not to leave behind anything to benefit other party. Since money is lost, many will remove what is his with extra money, so that other party will have to spend another sum to do up the shop again.

"Why benefit the other party? I had already lose money and yet he sit there happy and shake leg"
from one of the client.

In this situation, is easy for ABS to remove all items.
As such he agreed.

By 25th Oct , earlier hours. Shop owner realised he had made a wrong move.
Not only will all items installed and  bought by ABS's investment will be remove.
ABS is asking for compensation for cash used by shop owners.

If ABS to remove all such items, the shop will be quite bare (especially unit 04-40) and pathetic.
So the shop owner had sent the following to ABS.....
25th Oct 2011 (12.58am)
Sender : Bro Aloy 

Message : Remove wat ?

25th Oct 2011 (12.58am)
Sender : ABS

Message :
All items.

25th Oct 2011 (1.01am)
Sender : Bro Aloy

Message : wat items?

By then, he realised he had to change his tactics, his strategy.
Next move  >  "act blur" (as above SMS)

if Still cant work?.....  this what next ....

25th Oct 2011 (1.07am)
Sender : Bro Aloy

Message : Dun talk so much where r u I go find u n we try call as many ppl as u can

25th Oct 2011 (1.08am)
Sender : ABS
Message :
Dun act like Ah Beng. just talk in the shop, we need to do stock take and checking. Think before u talk and do.

25th Oct 2011 (1.10am)
Sender : Bro Aloy 

Message : U said I act blur?? no say I like ah beng...??I dun return u a single cent lor....cos I ah beng ma

25th Oct 2011 (1.11am)
Sender : ABS
Message :
ok , as you wished.

simply Act gangster lah !
Gather men, meet and talk.
As per above SMS.

Again, very unfortunate.  This was used to be ABS lifestyle as well.... long long time ago.
We had all wake up and live in this new century.
Shop owner was , may is still in 1960s or 1970s.  But was believed he did not went in for long, why such a lapse of time ?

Shop owner even went to ABS condo.
After persuasion, shop owner went up to ABS unit.

In the unit, shop owner did not act gangster.
But he seemed drunk in his behaviour.
No smell of alcohol. But the way he talk, look .... simply looked like he was drunk.
Shop owner wont , cannot drink.
But why such behaviour.
When questioned, he said he was tired.

When one is tired, yes he may not concentrate, etc. Shop owner drove to ABS location.
As next day, the fortune teller arrived and he had get supporter to assist him to rent a car.

Shop owner's emotion seemed to fluctuate greatly.
Read the SMS posted.

When in ABS unit, he is not angry.
He can talked calmly but not clearly.
He was very thirsty.
He drunk whole bottle of  pepsi from the fridge.
As such in such a short time, he need to use the toilet to ease himself.
He listened to ABS, and agreed to meet the next day for proper negotiation.

Was he taught on how to reply ABS?
As such those SMS exchanges.
Was he on drug?

ABS could not have evidence/s to prove.
Not necc.
Main thing is to get him out of the house, just in case he had consumed illegal substances.

Next day, ABS had his workers to tear down all cabinets and search for any substances that may be left OR placed by shop owners while shop owner was in the toilet.

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