Monday 7 November 2011

What ABS knew about LP See

As many are curious and asked ABS about LP See case.

We open a new page for this.

ABS knew about shop owner dispute with some members from another amulet forum and had been constantly disturbed him, in order to bring him down.

When ABS with the business, he felt he has to safe guard the business but not the person himself.
As in one of the forum, some tried to disturbed an event thread. An event held by Three Treasures, as such ABS felt that is necc to defend business. Hopefully all will able to forgive, forget and move on, as per ABS thought.
Unfortunately this is not the case.

Read on, all will know.

June /  July - ABS get to know shop and LP See. A nice cheerful monk. Donated $3000 to monk.
On one day, while at shop, ABS then knew that LP had went back earlier then planned.
Weeks later get to know from shop owner abt LP See case and dispute.
ABS managed to see some reciepts produced to show some TT of money to the monk and air tickets.
Things like throwing monk into a cab and send him back, this shop owner knows best.

Stealing of amulets -  shop owner had explained that on day of monk departure, he helped monk to pack and found some amulets belonging to him (placed on the home altar) in monks bag. He did not ask for the return of the amulets. 
Unfortuntely, kids are kids. He start to spred around with his big mouth that LP See "steal" his amulets.
ABS had also upon learning his side of story, asked shop owner to watch his words while explaining.
Cos he used the word "steal".  ABS ask him to use another better word. Cos such incident happened in his house, only he knows best.
Benefit of doubts for both parties.  One cant speak good english, another cant communicate well in Thai. Then could there be a mis-communication? dont know.

So best option,  is to stop spreading that a monk "steal"  his amulets. Or rather just explained that you found your amulets in his bag nd full stop. Need not use the word "steal".

As in the second posting war, ABS instructed us to retaliate and forced  a meeting between shop owner and the person. However no one turned up.

ABS had tried to ask shop owner what had happened between him and the person whom keep biting on shop owner nd refuse to let loose.

To ABS, no matter what happen, one will slowly forget what had happened and let go. But this person kept biting on the shop owner and refused to let go. What is the big deal ?
Shop owner never reply to ABS with regards to this.

ABS even joked with shop owner that did he rape or cheat his girlfriend ?

Shop owner had always been messy and could not maintained a proper records.
With his half F*** thai he could not communicate in proper with any master.

For 4D case, he mentioned that bet ws plced with illegal bookie. As such winnings been deducted for earlier bets and wining deductions.  Money collected from sales at that time is lower then before visit. Both such winings and money from sales were wired to monk's bank account in Thailand.

ABS asked shop owner, did you explained to the monk that the whole sum is for what purpose. As usual, he claimed that every one knows, no need to explain. 

As such ABS reprimand  him . Because you did not maintained a proper sales and expense record, Monk assumed he will be able to "earn" as much as the last visit. Unfortunately during that visit shop and monk could not reach the same volume sales as before, as such less profit for all.

Monk may mis understand that money wired into his accounts is for the "profit" rightfully his. But had yet to receive his 4D winning money.

Same reason ABS decided to put a stop to any more money to be invested.

Some where in Sept 2011, will shop owner been persuaded by ABS to do a proper stock take. He managed to pack the cabinets.  Over the showcase in  a rubbish  bin,  ABS saw a stack of thin metal foils of different colours mainly , gold , silver and bronze.

Immediately, ABS remembered that it was a package during LP See.
Clients were asked to buy the thin metal foil, different colour was priced differently;  then one will have to write his name and date of birth on it. Of which LP See will bring back to his temple in Thailand and placed it near the main Buddha Statue. So that all of us will be blessed when monks chant daily.

ABS at that time took the gold foil which cost $48.00.

ABS was curious why the stack of metal foils been throwed away. After been questioned further, shop owner laughing and say that is  gimmick  and the monk did not bring back to Thailand.

Ok fine, forget to bring back. Then why cannot send to him then?

In business, at times there are unfortunate situation whereby one could not fulfill a promise.
In this case, ABS advise shop owner to at least placed in the shop altar or while making trip to Thailand, placed them in some temples that he can do so. Take pics of it and explain to the clients. Clients knew of the unfortunate incident and if such metal foils could not be placed in LP See temple, at least you did it alternative way. Of which clients may still benefit.

Unfortunately, it was not known if the shop owner had thrown away those metal foils or act in a correct way.

In response to any other matters pertaining to LP See incident; ABS did not know much and also do not wish to know much. As ABS has got a heart that may this incident be a good lesson to the shop owner and move on in a better way.

Unfortunately, things did not turn out what ABS expect.

Just as when ABS earlier had decided to let go and forget and let Buddha decide. But the shop owner once again sent another abusive SMS remark to ABS, as such all will have more to read.

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