Thursday 24 November 2011

Feedback we had received via emails.

Another email we had received.
However we could not verify the truth of the content.
Thus is up to individuals to believe OR simply treat it as an reading entertainment.
As such; fair to all parties.

No offence to the BRO whom emailed us. We thank you for the feedback and understand your feeling.

If this is true, then this shop owner must be crazy.
In this world, there bad attitude clients and shop owners and sales assistants.
For a business owner, to protect his very own business and make money, he has to face all sort of clients. This is business.

All of us have posted on the internet to sell some items which we do not need any more.
Often we will receive SMS or calls abt the items and many times amazing low counter offer for the items you put up for sale. If we do not like it (may it be the counter offer price or likewise) we simply ignore it. Is there a need to curse their family.

As such , if this is a real encounter by this Bro, then something is very wrong with the shop owner.

Subject: Hi

Hi , sorry about the police report .
I can't post that as the police told me not to show anyone.
For the sms that he send to me , no problem posting.
I don't mind.

From: 3 treasures3 treasures <>
Sent: Monday, 21 November 2011, 6:14
Subject: RE: Hi

Please do forward any police report or photo (screen shots) of such SMSs you had received.
We will post in the blog and alert others.

Thank you so much.


Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 08:56:06 +0800
Subject: Hi

Hi , saw all your posting.

Please tell ABS to walk in to the police station with all the sms aloy send to him.
Police will call up aloy straight away and he no balls will stop sms-ing you.
This aloy also once send messages saying to F*** my family blah blah after i change my mind about getting things from him.

Trust me , it works.
He is very scared of the police.


Having read the above email.
ABS replied to us.

"Indeed  i have those feeling he is afraid of the authority. Funny thing is he is still very 'ya ya' , always challenge people to fight, say people no balls, etc.  Many of us has police records, my records is as high (tall) as my GF ! ......

I still remembered the day both he and i agreed to meet.  He had just pick up the fortune teller and her assistance from the airport. They were in the shop. FRESH - first time in Singapore.  He still 'ya ya' shout like a gangster and challenge me to 'settle' in the nearest stairway. Looking at both Thai visitors, especially the blind lady, she was terrified.  I remained calm and ignore him, letting him be the 'hero' . Many other shops occupiers came out to look at us. I remained the poor little fellow kena fucked ! NVM. Cos i respect any foreign visitors and do not want to give others a bad impression; even though am no longer keen in this business.

To him - he think he is a hero ( and sure win) by talking loudly, shouting at me. In fact he is disgracing himself in front of his guests from Thailand and anyone else.  He think he is tall and strong and can fight. Believe me , i will let him wack me but he  must kill me , if not when i recovered i will go outside changi resort and play loud guitar and sing song to him !

To return what he gave me, need not be fighting back physically, simply put salt on his wound !
So while he enjoy the 4 walls, I enjoy freedom of singing in the middle of the street of upper changi road north with my guitar !"

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