Sunday 20 November 2011

Feedbacks we had received via emails.

We had received many emails with regards to subject in this blog.

Very amazing indeed !

We had seek permission from sender of such emails to post the content in this blog.

This the first green light we received.


Hi Bro,

I am sorry to hear what happened but your blog is indeed helpful to
expose scams and those involved.

Feel free to post my contents, just censor out my email address and
name will do. My contents are genuine and I am not afraid to see
other forum brothers checking the price of the masks at Sao Ching
Cha area.

Hope your issues can be resolved soon and the few guys who are
involved can be brought to justice.


On Mon, 07 Nov 2011 22:52:54 +0800 3 treasures3 treasures
<> wrote:

>Thank you for your kind reply and advise. In fact my men had verified cost price in Thailand. I chose to carry on to be an idiot in front of him, to see what more stuff can he do. Also may  i ask my men to post your email content on the blog, without any name , etc. There is one thing that sparked me to proceed and carry on the blog, though I had asked my men to stop any input.From tonight onwards , there will be more content, as am forced to do so. Thank you once again.
Personally - ABS

> > Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 12:20:00 +0800
>> To:
>> Subject: Mask for Sale at 3 Treasures
>> From:
>> Hi Bro,
>> I am an amulet collector and frequent Thai visitor. Sorry to hear about your unhappiness over your shop matters. Just to highlight to you, the Masks you put up on sale only cost around 900 - 1,100 baht each (SGD44). It can be bought from many religion accessory shops along Sao Ching Cha area in Bangkok (Near Wat Sutat, Giant Swing). Your mark-up price is double. Your bro already had a bad reputation, I don't wish you follow his footsteps. You can check out the price on your next trip to Bkk.
>> With kind regards


Once again thank you to this BRO for his concern and feedback.


You may think the above is nothing.
We had another one which is more amazing!

Awaiting for sender's green light.......


We welcome more such feedback, please email to us at

Thank you.


However , it is one's discretion to believe in such feedback postings.
As much as we can, we will verify such feedbacks before postings.

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