Sunday 20 November 2011

Desperation for cash flow, lies after lies.... Part 2

How did shop owner survive ?
Where did all money (income) collected go to?

Poor Thai Girl

Shop owner had know a Thai girl during his July trip to Thailand.
During a master (LP) visit, he knew this Thai girl.

She is a nice , pretty and faithful girl.
She had helped shop owner alot in inviting masters, sourcing for masters and communicating with the masters.

Indeed she had lots of contribution for this business.
Despite of she hd a new job with an airliner and had to go for several training.
Often, she will call (no matter which part of earth she's at) to shop owner.
All of us, even masters often heard shop owner answered her calls.

Shop owner however, seem to make use of her.

Read below and all may agree so.

1. often shop owner will ask this Thai girl to book air tickets for the master/s. For earlier events - Lersi Somphit and LP Nean were the same and ABS pass cash to shop owner to return to the Thai girl.
Unfortunately it was not known if the Thai girl receive.

For rest of the events, it was believed the Thai girl booked for the air tickets.

2. The Thai girl will miss shop owner often and fly into Singapore to see shop owner.  Shop owner however make use of the opportunity.  Once she was asked to helped bring in

1. a Buddha statue
2. simple yellow candles (which can be bought locally at $2)
3. lots of incense
4. etc.

Poor girl carried so many items and the large box of buddha statue from Thailand (roadside stall) to Bangkok airport, board the plane, to changi airport, took a cab and reach Jalan sultan taxi stand, all by herself.

Many were present in the shop one day, when shop owner asked Thai girl to buy and bring all items to singapore.  Even uncle joked with him - he asked if the Thai girl can bring some Thai rice back for us !

Many such items can be bought locally. If such items are for re-sale in the shop, there is no such urgency to buy such stock.

Not to mention  having your own girfriend to carry so many items all the way from thailand.
The girl main purpose was to visit her boyfriend. A love sacrifice , we guessed.

Most sad thing was - Did shop owner pay the girl for the items she  had bought for him?


Was it a plot to increase his cash flow ?
Meaning he receive stock for sale but need not pay immediately for it.
Sell the items, he has got cash to use daily. 

Worst of all, did the Thai girl get the air fare money she paid for ?

ABS wished to be able to contact this Thai girl. Purpose is to return her any such money she had spent for this business.

To ABS, she need not suffer such losses, as she is a good, nice , normal girl whom is faithful to her man.
She had got a good job with one of the airliner.

ABS wish to return all such money to her upon presentation of all receipts. After which ABS will recover with proper means.

One of regulars ( the girl) at the shop seem to be of very good terms with this Thai girl.

ABS do not wish to get the contact via Thailand side, as he hope to contact this Thai girl without alerting the LP.

Any leads, please email to
Confidentiality assured.

Half Thai Half Chinese Girl

Best part.

Shop owner had known a half Thai half Chinese (HTHC) girl in EZ-50s ,  a pub by Jackie Chan at Tg Pagar.

Jinriksha Station
1 Neil Rd088804
Nearby Stations: Chinatown
Bus Lines: 61, 166, 197

It was during AC Puttavet trip.
Poor AC !
why ? 
ABS had once chat with him in EZ-50s, AC had not been keen to go such places, but was shop owner idea, as he wanted to meet the HTHC girl.

We all knew both had a relationship. How ? Why?

One day in the shop,  shop owner had proudly (again) talked about how good his Maha Sanae.
He mentioned about his trip to EZ-50s and his fun time with the HTHC girl, even after HTHC's work at EZ-50s, both had gone to the hotel !  Some regulars were in the shop as well.

Another funny encounter.   Shop owner had several phone.   A blue old Nokia phone was for the faithful nice Thai girl.  While HTHC will call another phone.

Once he had a conversation with Thai girl on the blue Nokia phone .....
" Darling....Darling....."

Immediately another phone rung , is was the HTHC girl.
" 老婆...老婆...."

ABS experienced the above.  He reminded shop owner to behave himself.  If he want to have a serious reltion ship with Thai girl. Do it faithfully. 

Simply choose one.

1. if Thai girl, then behave
2. if want to play , choose HTHC or any other and keep on playing no one cares.


Was this - one of  the way shop owner obtained cash for his daily use ?

Making use of the Thai girl for these items, sell them and had cash to use.
Did shop owner return Thai girl the money?

How did shop owner spend the money?

As in LP Nean event.  From start to end, on the day before LP Nean return to Thailand, shop had to give LP his rightful share of money. But shop owner had short  of $400 during the payout.  Where did  the $1900 go to in such a short time ?

The rest of the cash in-take ?

Was it use in his entertainment with such girls?
Funny thing was, shop owner does not drink.
He can stay in any pub or disco with just a glass of coke ; OR best he was seen in a Thai disco in Golden Mile for the whole night dancing, flirting with girls and yet holding to only ONE bottle of COKE!  expenses should be low.  Thats the most amazing thing he can do. 
Many of us feel ashame without a jug of beer or a bottle of liquor on our table when we go have fun.
This fellow can hold on to a bottle of COKE the whole night!
Indeed good Maha Sanae ....  

Writing this, both of us hope to get such MAHA SANAE ! what a cost saving fun !

Did he own people money?
Was it used in hotel rooms?
Was it used to pay those girls, he had brought to hotel?

Such girls are here to make money. Some seem easy to get , to date them for the night in a hotel.
Eventually, they will use all sort of excuse to ask for money.  Not 50 or a 100.  May be anything from 200 to thousands.

Some will asked to go dating, go mall for a walk, go for dinner, etc.
On the way , they will ask to buy lots of things, include branded items.

With shop owner character, did he try to be a big boss and spend the money on this things?

 Once shop owner called shop owner for help.

He mentioned he has got a legal case.

It was some time back, way beyond July 2011.
It was an accident case with a rented car. Shop owner mentioned though car waas rented by him, but during accident, it was driven by someone else. As such he was liable for the amount to be compensated.

He showed ABS the legal letter. 

ABS simply ignored the matter.
First such case was easily negotiable with the other party for installment payment.
May it been thru sub- court decision or not.
It was not so urgent to pay the full sum of of approx SGD$4000.

In any such dispute,  in any mediation, installment payment was always the final solution.

Was shop owner trying to get more cash for his unknow "addiction" ?

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